We now have a wonderful new website. This old site will remain until all the information we want is transferred to the new site. This site will not be updated. If some information fails on the new website, it can be obtained from here.
All of our webinar recording are listed on our
All About Natives Page .
Our Recent Webinars Now Available:
The "Plant Profiles & Photos" have been redirected to another website www.AwesomeNativePlants.info. Also we are starting a collection of "Gardener News" reprints. This was done to facilitate upgrade of this website. Questions: email: webmaster@npsnj.org
Previous descriptions and images Click here
The out of balance population of deer not only devestates our gardens and forests, but also our farmers and so our economy and our food. Rutgers Cooperative Extension and the NJ Agricultural Experiment Station presents a new study highlighting “White-Tailed Deer and the Hidden Costs to Farmers’ Livelihoods: A Case Study of New Jersey Stories.”
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Phacelia bipinnatifida - Purple Phacelia
Purple phacelia's conservation status is G5(Globally secure)/New Jersey S1 (Critically Imperiled). Since this plant does not seem to require very special conditions, purple phacelia is a good candidate for restoration. Citizen scientists could be utilized to secure the survivial of this plant in New Jersey.
Click here to learn more.
Also see our Spring Plant Profiles & Photos
Trollius laxus ssp. laxus - Spreading Globeflower
Spreading Globeflower is a spring blooming rare plant that grows in wetlands such as fens or along the edges of swamps that are fed by highly alkaline groundwater. This subspecies is globally rare with a subspecies ranking of T3S1. The populations have been declining
Click here to learn more..
Also see our Spring Plant Profiles & Photos
Xerophyllum asphodeloides - Turkeybeard
This plant grows 2 to 5 ft tall and in New Jersey it can be found in the Pine Barrens. The plant takes several years to flower, but when it does, it dies after fruiting.
It blooms late May/early June.
Learn more and see closeups of the flowers.
Also See our Spring Plant Profiles & Photos
Panax trifolius - Dwarf ginseng
This perennial plant is only about 8 inches tall and if you look carefully those flowers are all male. Dwarf ginseng has bisexual flowers too on separate plants. If you look at a population, you will find flowers with only pistil! Each growing season, the sex may be different!
It blooms late April to May.
Read more and learn about this unusal plant..
Also See our Spring Plant Profiles & Photos
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Find out everything there is to know about the native flora of New Jersey, learn from the experts on native plants, get the latest on interesting activities near you, or join one of the many opportunities to participate in the growing national native plant movement — right here in the Garden State.
The Native Plant Society of New Jersey is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to the appreciation, protection, and study of the native flora of New Jersey. Founded in 1985, we have hundreds of members across the state, and are organized into county and regional chapters. Our members include gardeners, horticulturists, naturalists, landscape designers, students, and native plant enthusiasts from all walks of life.
We conduct regular lectures and presentations with featured speakers on topics ranging from introduction to native plants, gardening with natives, identification and appreciation of the beautiful flora and ecosystems of New Jersey, ecological landscaping, and much more. Our annual meeting is a must-attend event for anyone involved in the native plant movement in New Jersey. We organize nature walks and garden tours, dispense advice on design and maintenance of native gardens and landscapes, and have helped establish native plant gardens around the state.