Webinar Recording - David Hughes
Wednesday October 21 at 7:00 PM
"Designing Tidy Native Gardens"
David Hughes
Weatherwood Design LLC
Many think of native plant gardens as wild and untended landscapes which can buck the social norms of a neighborhood with manicured lawns. Ecological garden design has techniques, that if used in a mindful way, can cross the bridge between habitat-based gardening with the more controlled urban landscape. This presentation will review new perspectives of native plant gardening and how they can be successfully incorporated into the traditional standards of the gardening community.
David Hughes is a Registered Landscape Architect and owner of Weatherwood Design LLC that specializing in native plant-based garden design, ecology and natural habitat conservation. He has worked in the green industry for 30 years designing landscapes that focus on bringing back ecological functions to the site and its surrounding community. His designs improve the pathways in which water flows through a property with rainwater harvesting techniques like rain gardens, bioswales, ephemeral pools and natural ponds.
This recording and the slides and images contained therein are a copyrighted work of David Hughes. It is available to you only for your personal viewing and is not to be copied, distributed, or sold in any manner. Please be respectful that the webinar recording is the property of the owner.
It starts off with an introduction to the NPSNJ and then procedes to the presentation.