Webinar Recordings - Mary Anne Borge
We are happy to have two webinar recordings from Mary Anne Borge.
Mary Anne Borge is a naturalist, photographer, author and educator. A naturalist at Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve since 2006, she is a Pennsylvania Master Naturalist and the associate editor of Butterfly Gardener magazine. She is the team leader for Lambertville Goes Wild, a volunteer group whose efforts successfully led to the National Wildlife Federation's certification of Lambertville, N.J., as a community wildlife habitat. At her blog, the-natural-web.org, Mary Anne writes about and, with her photography, illustrates the importance of native plants to all life on Earth
This webinar was presented on: Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 7:00 PM
"Plant Ecology: Why Are Plants Important?
Mary Anne Borge - Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve
Hope you find this talk to be very informative.
This webinar was presented on: Wed, May 5th, 2021, 7:00 PM
"Spreading the Word Beyond the Choir"
Mary Anne Borge, Naturalist @ Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve
Recent studies show bird populations have decreased almost 30% in the past 50 years. Insectpopulations have declined 40% worldwide in the past 40 years. In some areas, the declines are even moredramatic. Native plants are a key part of the solution to reversing this trend. Are you already using nativeplants on your own property, but would like to learn how to convince your neighbors, homeownersassociation, local municipality and other governmental bodies to adopt the use of native plants? Joinnaturalist, author and photographer Mary Anne Borge to find out how she and her team at LambervilleGoes Wild transformed their town into a wildlife haven. She will cover strategies to help you achieve this transformation in your own neighborhood or town.
Hope you find this talk to be very informative.