May 10 2013: We went to look for more spring flowers and decided on Hacklebarney State Park which has been ‘wild’ a long time and would have a diversity of plants.
We started along the Main Trail (white trail marker) heading south, at the intersection with the trail marker of 3 blue spots we turned down the intersecting trail toward the waterfall and then across the Trout Brook and up the trail to the right Upper Trail. We followed the Upper trail till it stopped being a 'highway' and became a rocky foot path by the Black River. We turned back and at the waterfall, instead of crossing the Trout Brook, continued straight and back to the starting point.
Trail Map: hacklebarney larger map
By this time in spring the woods were all green and we were able to see many natives. Please see our list of native plants below.
We came across a clump of early meadow rue (Thalictrum dioicumin) in bloom. The male and female flowers form on separate plants. The photos show male flowers with several greenish sepals and dangling long stamens.
There were a bunch of twoleaf miterwort (Mitella diphylla), Bishop's Cap, by the bridge crossing. The tiny fringed flowers, less than ¼", grow on long stalks with basal leaves.
Also near the bridge crossing,
we found some dwarf ginseng
(Panax trifolius)
Here is the underside of
a Solomon's seal leaf showing
the hairs along the veins
(Polygonatum pubescens)
type | flowering | scientific name | common name |
herbaceous | Actaea pachypoda | white baneberry | |
herbaceous | Allium tricoccum | ramp | |
herbaceous | Anemone quinquefolia | wood anemone | |
herbaceous | Aralia nudicaulis | wild sarsaparilla | |
herbaceous | y | Arisaema triphyllum | Jack in the pulpit |
herbaceous | Chimaphila maculata | Spotted Wintergreen | |
herbaceous | y | Claytonia virginica | Virginia springbeauty |
herbaceous | Epifagus virginiana | beechdrops | |
herbaceous | Erythronium americanum | trout lily | |
herbaceous | Eurybia divaricata | white wood aster | |
herbaceous | Geranium maculatum | wild geranium | |
herbaceous | Impatiens capensis | jewelweed | |
herbaceous | y | Maianthemum canadense | Canada mayflower |
herbaceous | y | Mitella diphylla | twoleaf miterwort |
herbaceous | Oxalis violacea | violet woodsorrel | |
herbaceous | y | Panax trifolius | dwarf ginseng |
herbaceous | Peltandra virginica | green arrow arum | |
herbaceous | y | Polygonatum pubescens | hairy Solomon's seal |
herbaceous | Pyrola sp | ||
herbaceous | Smilacina racemosa | False Solomon's Seal | |
herbaceous | Symplocarpus foetidus | skunk cabbage | |
herbaceous | y | Thalictrum dioicum | early meadow-rue |
herbaceous | Thalictrum pubescens | tall meadow rue | |
herbaceous | Trillium cernuum | nodding trillium | |
herbaceous | y | Viola blanda | sweet white violet |
herbaceous | y | Viola pubescens | downy yellow violet |
herbaceous | y | Viola sororia | common blue violet |
fern | Botrychium virginianum | rattlesnake fern | |
fern | Osmunda regalis | royal fern | |
fern | Polystichum acrostichoides | Christmas fern | |
fern | Pteridium aquilinum | brackenfern | |
vine | Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia creeper | |
vine | Smilax sp | cat brier | |
shrub | Kalmia latifolia | mountain laurel | |
shrub | Lindera benzoin | northern spicebush | |
shrub | Rubus phoenicolasius | wine raspberry | |
shrub | Viburnum acerifolium | mapleleaf viburnum | |
tree | Acer negundo | boxelder | |
tree | Carpinus caroliniana | blue beech | |
tree | Fagus grandifolia | American beech | |
tree | Fraxinus americana | white ash | |
tree | Hamamelis virginiana | American witchhazel | |
tree | Juniperus virginiana | eastern redcedar | |
tree | Liriodendron tulipifera | tuliptree | |
tree | Prunus serotina | black cherry | |
tree | Quercus alba | white oak | |
tree | Quercus palustris | pin oak | |
tree | Quercus prinus | chestnut oak | |
tree | Quercus rubra | northern red oak | |
tree | Sassafras albidum | sassafras | |
tree | Tilia americana | American basswood | |
tree | Tsuga canadensis | eastern hemlock |
More information on Hacklebarney State Park: general information plant list from NY-NJ-CT Botany website
Hope you will go there and enjoy the natives.
H. & M. Ling